The Chronicles of Entangland, the foundation of the SC town


Entangland is an extensive unexplored territory. On the western coast, we find the Bell States region, composed of several towns and villages founded by those physical platforms that have been able to generate Bell states (two-partite) of up to many local dimensions. The south coast is inhabited by the two-dimensional states, a.k.a. qubits. Qubitland contains a diverse population, spanning from trapped ions, photonic and superconducting qubits among others. All of them have been able to generate multipartite maximal entangled states of dimension 2. One does not simply explore other regions of Entangland. Only one photonic experiment has managed to break through the Alice and Bob range, from the east, or to cross the Flatland river, from the south, to arrive at the 3-dimensional GHZ plains. The foundation of the Photonic town took them weeks! In this talk, I will explain how we founded the SC town in the GHZ plains requiring only a few seconds. The main bricks were the transmons from IBMQ Rome device and the cement employed was Qiskit Pulse. For the first time, a non-photonic experiment has explored a multi-partite region of Entangland, opening the path for future high-dimensional expeditions using superconducting devices.

May 26, 2021
Qiskit Hackathon Europe , Virtual

Based on the reference:

  • “Experimental high-dimensional Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement with superconducting transmon qutrits”, Alba Cervera-Lierta, Mario Krenn, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Alexey Galda arXiv:2104.05627 [quant-ph]
Alba Cervera-Lierta
Alba Cervera-Lierta
Senior Researcher

Quantum Computing scientist.