Maximal Entanglement in a Quantum Computer


Nature is such that Maximal Entangled states exist. This conjecture is based on the fact that we not only observe maximal entanglement in several physical processes but also we are able to verify that local realism can not describe quantum mechanics. We go a step further and suggest the possibility that maximal entanglement plays a central role in quantum field theory and can fix the structure of nature interactions. In this talk, I will present these ideas as well as ways to generate maximal entanglement in a programmable quantum computer beyond two-dimensional systems.

Jul 15, 2021
Fermilab theory seminars
Fermilab theory seminars, Virtual

Based on the reference:

  • “Maximal Entanglement in High Energy Physics”, A. Cervera-Lierta, J. I. Latorre, J. Rojo, and L. Rottoli,
    SciPost Phys. 3, 036 (2017).
  • “Quantum circuits for maximally entangled states”, A. Cervera-Lierta, J. I. Latorre, and Dardo Goyeneche,
    Phys. Rev. A 100, 022342 (2019).
  • “Experimental high-dimensional Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement with superconducting transmon qutrits”, Alba Cervera-Lierta, Mario Krenn, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Alexey Galda arXiv:2104.05627 [quant-ph]
Alba Cervera-Lierta
Alba Cervera-Lierta
Senior Researcher

Quantum Computing scientist.